Lauren DeYenno

After 8 years working as a nutritionist and 6 years working as a fitness trainer (both in person and online), Coach Lauren’s training and experience has made her a powerhouse Coach and leader. But it’s her personal journey that has set her up to be the Jedi that Nerd Fitness Rebels can count on to understand their mindset and desire to grow.

Lauren was athletic growing up, participating in school sports, but struggled with food, drinking, and eating disorders in college and ended up gaining the freshman 30.  She tried every fad diet and quick fix out there to no avail. She struggled with emotional eating and had a major sweet tooth that she couldn’t seem to shake.  She was depressed and frustrated. 

After several unsuccessful attempts to get healthy, Lauren reached out to a local personal trainer and began training sessions.  She also worked with an online nutritionist.  Lauren began to see results for the first time and learn how the body works. She ate a diet of healthy, whole, plant based foods and began being active daily. She realized that she had changed her lifestyle and it wasn’t about a quick fix. 

Fueled with a new found inspiration and fire, she obtained her certification as a Personal Trainer and became certified in Plant Based Nutrition to help others in the same way that she had been helped. Lauren also became certified in Behavior Change and obtained her Fitness Nutrition Specialization and through her studies and new healthy habits, she was able to quit drinking as well as triumph over her eating disorder. 

Coach Lauren’s done the hard work to overcome her struggles with food for over ten years, and continues to put in the effort to work towards her new goals. With her own leveled up confidence, she participated in her first ever fitness competition and can’t wait to do it again. She also began trying out activities that she never would have thought she was capable of doing… like skydiving and ice climbing, and recently, Lauren completed her first half marathon in Newport, RI.     

Lauren’s own passions have influenced her coaching methods and strengths. In fitness, she loves supporting clients who are working towards functional fitness to be more active in life – from bodyweight training to rock climbing and hiking, endurance training to HIIT and circuit training, even physique coaching and at home workouts! Her fitness knowledge is broad, and her acumen in nutrition is just as impressive. With a background in plant-based nutrition, she’s an ace for vegans or vegetarians, but her open approach and nutrition education allows her to successfully serve clients no matter their dietary preferences (unless you’re a tiger with a fondness for human arms).

She’s passionate about helping others transform and become the absolute best version of themselves and strives to be a Coach who is approachable, judgment-free, and understanding. With each client, Lauren explores various fitness, nutrition, and mindset goals that suit your lifestyle and helps craft a plan to incrementally adjust your behavior. She understands that the journey of getting healthy is one with ups and downs – and that’s normal! She’ll help you discover methods that are sustainable, and share her own tips and tricks along the way.  

Education and Credentials

  • Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM
  • Plant-Based Nutrition Certification, eCornell
  • Behavior Change Specialist, NASM
  • Certified Personal Trainer, NASM
  • Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Coach

Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?

Star Wars!

Favorite video game of all time?

Castlevania – it scared the crap out of me and also was super exciting and fun.  Currently on a major Beat Saber kick though.

What are you passionately nerdy about?

Marvel. Also, The Matrix series. Movies and film in general – huge cinema nerd. Quoting movies faster than my friends is an actual hobby.